NM 68 Phase 1 Roadway Improvement Project

NMDOT Control Number 5101460 and 5101461

Thank you for your interest in the NM 68 Phase 1 Roadway Improvement Project.

The Phase 1 project area begins at the intersection of NM 68 and US 84/285 and ends just north of Fairview Lane.

Phase 1 Project Area Map (click to enlarge)

Meeting Information

The next public meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024 at 6:00pm. The meeting will be virtual. The purpose of the meeting is to present the proposed design chosen to move forward into final design, as well as an estimated timeline for the remaining work.

To join the meeting via phone, dial 855-933-0825 and follow the recorded instructions. You can follow along with the presentation on this page at the same time, or simply listen to the audio over the phone.

The meeting can also be streamed on this web page below. The meeting video will start automatically and will include both visual and audio components of the presentation and discussion. You can participate in the discussion after the presentation whether you joined by phone or on this website.

A PDF of the presentation slides is available. An audio recording of the meeting will be made available after the meeting as well.

For ADA accommodations, technical support or to request a hard copy of the presentation slides, please contact Lara Thompson at lara.thompson@swca.com or 505-431-2678.

For more information about the project or to join our contact list, please reach out using the information below, or by using the submission form at the bottom of the page. Please note that the official comment period after the public meeting will close on May 21st. 

SWCA Environmental Consultants
Attn. Española Project
7770 Jefferson Street NE, suite 410
Albuquerque, NM 87109

Project Information

The New Mexico Department of Transportation, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, has held two virtual public meetings to discuss proposed improvements to the project corridor. To watch past meeting presentations, please use the links on the right side of this web page. The Phase A/B report is also complete and available for review below.

Some of the selected improvements include enhanced intersections, restored pavement and bridge conditions, safer access points and accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists, and more effective road drainage.

Aerial map showing segments of road for phases one through three.

Project Phasing

The project corridor has been divided into 3 separate projects for construction. The Phase 1 project (NM 84/285, from 0.0 MP to 1.5 MP) is currently between 60% Plans and Final Design. The cost for construction of the Phase 1 project is estimated at approximately $38 Million Dollars. We anticipate that final design for Phase 1 will be complete by early 2026, and that the project will be programed into the State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) in 2027. The actual year for construction will be subject to the availability of funds at that time.

The District and the Department consider this corridor to be a very high priority for reconstruction, and we will remain committed to programming it expeditiously for construction.

We are here, at the Grade and drain 60% plans phase, in progress 2024 to 2025.

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